28 July 2008

The first of more to come...

So apparently, teleportation hasn't been invented yet...Load of crap if you ask me. And on top of that, I'm justifiably self-righteous enough to think that any of you cares to keep tabs on my endeavors and other tom-fooleries. If you believed any of that last bit, then just go ahead and click on that little "X" in the upper right corner of your screen, because you don't know me and frankly, your stalking me is a bit creepy. Some of you may be thinking right now,
"[...]but Mike, wasn't this Sean Cox's idea? Didn't he just start a blog from this very site to keep us posted as to his goings-on in Turkey, which is much further away and for more interesting a landscape?"
You would be right in that assertion. You would also be an elitist prick. Furthermore, what you are forgetting is that Sean went as me for halloween a couple of years back.

So I'm not so much copying you Sean, as I am leveling our vicarial playing field...and also stealing your idea.

In addition, Sean's blogs are filled with cultural comment, a diverse vocabulary, and are an overall, thought-provoking experience. While mine, with the exception of this blog, should be mostly pictures. I've already expended 2/3 of my brain power, not to mention torn through nearly every remaining page of my thesaurus in order to get my initial thoughts out for this one. In conclusion...

...yep, see. I'm fresh out.


Louie Van Patten said...
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Michael Neff said...

dammit! i would say that i'm just assuming that no one is as cool as you or i with our macs, but the fact is, most of my friends are cool...and also you're/my quote in your comment there is dead on.

Louie Van Patten said...

X in the upper right hand corner? Are you running Windows XP or something?* Tsk tsk, one-who-acts-on-Oedipal-impulses.

(I know, the "one-who-acts-on-Oedipal-impulses" part was excessive, but "tsk tsk" seems so lonely without it... and a little gay. But not Scott Nichols gay...more like Ryan Seacrest gay.)

*Oooooh it's my work laptop, I can't control what cutting edge technology they GIVE me to do my fancy pants job. - Mike in a whiny voice.