06 September 2008

Soft Opening

alright, i didn't forget about the blog. i just haven't had any way to get on and post. louie scolded me for not putting anything up, so i'm sorry. this is going to be a quick one, but i'll put more effort into the next one.

so i'm finally settled into my new house. it only took me three months, but it finally happened. and other than the biggest stack of monthly bills i've ever encountered, everything is going great. louie and cara came up last week and helped me break in the place. they brought me some awesome music, among other things. And louie brought me a painting he did of kevin barnes, which is freaking rad. you'll see it in the pictures in my next blog. no time for a long one here. it's saturday and there's no excuse for me to be sitting inside right now. i'll get pictures posted soon.

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