11 March 2009

all filler, no thriller.

this thing is becoming far too dominated by "picture blogs", which is most certainly my shallow attempt at maintaining some sort of connection to everyone whom i miss so very much. so...though this is a poor excuse for an actual entry at best, i promise i will back off on the pictures.

i've lately become more motivated to voice my actual uncensored opinions as opposed to screening every thought due to who might be reading or who might be offended. that doesn't mean that i'll be dropping the f-bomb every three words or making reference to the color of my latest bowel movement (my last one was black, which apparently means i may have a bleeding ulcer). What it does hopefully mean is that i will be writing more instead of shelving every thought that comes to mind.

i hope this leap of thought doesn't offend anyone. if you think i'm referring to you when i discuss guarding my thoughts, it's most likely because i love and respect you and don't want to offend you, not because i don't want you to know what i am really thinking. in fact, quite the opposite. i'm realizing that if i don't share what i am really thinking, then it's really not fair to the people that i love. okay, i think i'm at the risk of becoming too emotional and sappy. so...

... i just farted and it smells like an empty bag of cool ranch doritos. there that ruined everything.

and after all that the next post will be photos of my time in bend, oregon with my good friends louie, cara, and timber. there is a cake with my face on it and a dog wearing sunglasses, so i think you'll agree the pictures are justified and, in fact, necessary.


Carl said...

So, by this you mean you're going to take two months off?

Unknown said...

yeah, i'm with carl. what up with that?