27 March 2010

MINI Headache

So I've had some bad luck with the move so far. The auto shippers dropped something on my MINI Cooper, so it's in the shop for at least the next 2-3 weeks. And the seller of the house I made an offer on was selfish enough to have a heart attack 3 weeks ago. It looks like that might fall through. So I'm back to the house hunting as of a few days ago. I need a home! The hotel charm is not holding its ground at the moment. Looking forward to visitors...


Louie Van Patten said...

Whew! Murphy's Law in action. Beware the RROD, Michael.

Michael Neff said...

don't even joke! though, it would probably expediate my purchase of a ps3. i've convinced myself to get one so you and i can keep in touch over online nerdery. as soon as i've got a hi-def tv again...it's on.

The Gryllus said...
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The Gryllus said...

Sounds great, Michael. Until then, I'll be practicing.

Michael Neff said...

man. that provided me a much needed laugh out-loud moment. i miss you man.

Louie Van Patten said...

Michael, you can't change your color scheme and not post anything new. Also, your color scheme is taunting me, as it represents a beer I want but cannot obtain at the moment.
