26 January 2011

It's Log! It's Log! It's Big. It's Heavy. It's Wood!

I am trying to be more proactive about updating this thing. I promise. I've got a new site that you should check out. It has this blog, my photos, my music, and some other shite. Please check it out and judge me silently.

Also, still playing catch up here but...

Liana and I took a trip last Memorial Day up to a lake house in Tennessee. It was a really amazing trip. When my house was robbed shortly after we got back, my camera was stolen with the SD card still in it with the pictures, which obviously punched my heart in the face. We did steel a couple of logs from the house we stayed at though. I picked up a wood burning kit and made this for Liana for Christmas.

I mapped out the trip...pirate map style

We stopped for the night in Atlanta and had the best burgers ever at The Vortex. Hom nom nom.

This is what our distorted faces look like on a log.

Time Stamp. Suck It.

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