22 January 2011

sippin' the wheeze

I took Liana to see Doug Benson do standup at Backbooth last Thursday. It was actually the first stand up show I've seen. It went about like you would figure I guess. There was a marginally funny female comedian who you had to listen to for a few minutes before each comic. Good lead up acts and besides having to stand the entire time and the asshole next to us talking on his cell phone for part of the show (which is fine because Doug Benson called him out for video taping part of his show in front of everyone), it was a really good show. I've never really listened to his podcast, but Liana has been into it for awhile and based on what I saw, it's definitely worth checking out.

Liana messaged him on twitter a few times throughout the day about meeting him and getting a picture. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that he is a genuinely really nice guy. Anyway, it was a really good show and I'm glad we got to go.

On a side note, it was pointed out to me that Doug Benson sort of looks like my retarded brother from another mother. So I've got that going for me.

Unbeknownst to them, Liana and Doug made the exact same face...

1 comment:

Liana Kangas said...

I love you! Thanks for taking me to see him! :D