10 May 2011

Mushroom Canapes

My amazing girlfriend, Liana and I have decided we are going to try to start documenting some of our cooking nights. We've gone through a lot of recipes and experiments and I guess the best way to start is just to start.

Our friend Rachel came over to stay the night before I drove Liana and her to the airport for their business trip to Washington D.C. We wanted to send them off right and, inadvertantly, assisted in the breaking of Rachel's fasting of meat for lent. But we'll start with the appetizer:

Mushroom Canapes

This turned out to be a really easy and pretty damn good recipe. It's definitely a little different from the norm and would be easy to prepare ahead of time.

So here is what you'll need:
1/2 c. mayonaise
1/4 c. grated parmesan
2 oz. fresh mushrooms (sliced with stems)
1.4 oz. French Fried Onion Rings
1 Loaf of pumpernickel bread (sliced thin)

And now for the hardest part...mix all that shit together in big bowl. Hard.

Take the mixture and spread onto lightly toasted pumpernickel slices. Broil until the tops are gold and bubbly.

Take them out of the oven and serve right away. I like to sprinkle mine with parsley for an extra pretentious touch.

1 comment:

Liana Kangas said...