16 February 2010

"Don't point that beard at me. It might go off."


With the lack of substantial entries over the past several months (a year for christ's sake), this is going to make for one hell of a harsh transition. I won't do a whole lot of lead into this because, well...frankly there isn't much to talk about. Don't get me wrong. I've been enjoying my time in Yakima. Hanging out mostly with Byron and Kristin consuming food and alcoholic beverage whilst making inappropriate comments about their new baby. They are married and pregnant now. Well, Kristin is pregnant. Byron is just watching.

Skip to now and I'm moving to Orlando. Even though the only 4 people who read this thing already know, I interviewed for a new position at one of our plants down there and I'll be the Maintenance Manager over a can and metal end plant. Exciting. Actually, it is but boring to you so I'll stop there.

But I'm actually really excited to move down here. I put an offer in on a really cool house on Monday, so I'm waiting to find out on that. I'll hold off on posting any pictures until I know for sure. Don't want to jinx it. But aside from the weather it's been a good trip. When I got into the airport, I ran into some friends from college who actually live down here, so again I've managed to move across the country without really being on my own. After leaving the airport I pulled up to the first toll where a kindly Indian man (dots not feathers) was there to greet me.

Toll Booth Attendant - "Where are you from?" (insert stereotypical technical support accent here)

Me - "Uh...", I'm not sure how to respond.

Toll Booth Attendant - "What country are you from?"; This time with clarity and emphasis clearly displaying that he thinks me to be a foreigner from some strange land.

Me - "Oh, Washington state. The United States."

Toll Booth Attendant - "I like you're beard!"

So that was my first real interaction with a stranger in Orlando as a partial resident. And it actually left me feeling really good. Go beard. Now if I can just find a gorgeous brunette woman who will say that instead of a 50 year old Indian man, I will be set. Until then, fingers crossed.

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